Friday, 19 April 2013

Brand Research and Comparison: Benefit Cosmetics

This is the first half of my brand research, in which I'll be analysing how two brands (Benefit Cosmetics and Clarins) which sell similar products, but have different target audiences, have targeted their audience through their visual style. This part is all about Benefit Cosmetics.

Benefit Comestics aim their products at younger - mid 20's to early 30's, higher earning women, whilst Clarins have a target audience of high earning women, who are in their late 30's or are older.

Firstly Benefit's logo, despite being simplistic and using what could be considered an 'ordinary' typeface, it has certain features that give it a 'fun feeling' which makes it more appealing to their younger target audience. For example, having 'Benefit' entirely in lower case, mimics how younger people might text or email their friends. The elongated 'F'  which has been tilted to also function as the dot of the 'I' that adds an interesting but simply done quirk to this logo. Having the company's place of origin within the logo, could also create appeal for the target audience because San Francisco is a popular place to visit, especially with young travellers.

Benefit logo

In contrast to the simple, timeless logos, Benefit 'boutiques' are designed to appear very retro, even down to the smallest details, for example the seats.This idea of things being designed to appear retro is very much in fashion at the moment, particulary with younger people. Some boutique exteriors have little, normally pink awnings which were typical of the 1950's. Inside the 1950's style continues with the use of pinks, peach and cream colours to decorate, along with vintage detailing.

Exterior of a Benefit boutique
Interior of a Benefit boutique

The retro vibe continues into the styling of the products' packaging, with the use of bright colours and 50's style pattern, or even with inspiration of everyday items of that era, such as vinyl records. 

Packing inspired by a vinyl record

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